
Protein pudding

Protein is an indispensable ingredient of every well-balanced diet. It’s important both for those living busy and active lives and those who spend the day mostly in front of a computer. Apart from facilitating muscle recovery after gym, it also helps to stabilize weight, reduce cholesterol and improve heart health. Do you associate this beneficial ingredient solely with meat and famous protein shakes? Nothing further from the truth! Now you are able to deliver more proteins to your body just by eating delicious high protein pudding.

Sugar free protein pudding as a recipe for a healthy dessert

Are you fed up with traditional protein shakes? Do you feel like eating a tasty dessert, but the amount of the calories is rather daunting? If so, our sugar free protein pudding is a product that will certainly meet your expectations. Enjoy this delicious snack available in a healthier and more nutritious version. It’s an ideal solution for everyone wishing to diversify their diet without consuming too much sugar. One serving is only 88 calories. If you are a fan of healthy desserts like whey protein pudding, you will love sugar free chocolate as well. It's available in our shop at very good price!

Choose our fast protein pudding

Not enough time to cook meals full of protein? Don’t worry! Our pure protein pudding can be prepared in just a couple of minutes - all you need to do is to wait for the milk to boil. This white chocolate and cream dessert is an ideal recipe for supporting your muscle growth and maintaining healthy bones. It’s a perfect alternative for every busy bee who doesn’t have time to prepare complex and wholesome sweet courses. Enjoy the intense flavor of our high protein pudding and stick to your dietary goals!

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