- Bestseller
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- GF
* Perfect for people monitoring their fat intake
* Suitable for vegans
* Supports the digestive system and the feeling of satiety
- Bestseller
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- K
- GF
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4.9/5 Rating
Are you a pasta lover? Maybe you are looking for vegan food alternatives? Then Better than Foods Pasta is something for you! Their products are natural - made only from organic ingredients - and unbelievably healthy. You want to cut down on fats? Better than Foods Pasta is fat-free. Are you allergic to gluten? You won’t find it in their noodles. Do you follow a strict diet? Better than Foods Pasta has few calories and is completely vegan! So if you are looking for a healthy alternative to traditional pasta, you have just found it! From traditional types to rice noodles and spaghetti - Better than Foods pasta comes in many styles and flavours, so you can experiment and pick the ones that taste the best for you. Now you can finally cook your nutritious and delicious meals with ease. So do not hesitate and try out some of the noodles prepared by Better than Foods!
And, if you are looking for something that will change the comfort of your cleaning routine, you should definitely pay attention to our wide offer of Better Than Foods Konjac Bath Sponges. They are natural, made from Konjac roots, and will help you keep your skin clean. These sponges are great at removing dead skin cells, balancing your skin’s pH and eliminating any skin problems. What is more, you don’t need to use any cosmetics for them to work - Konjac Bath sponges will help you keep your skin in the best condition without any additional chemicals, just by natural means. So if you are looking for a non-artificial way to preserve your skin’s beauty, Better Than Foods Konjac Bath Sponges are a thing for you!
* Perfect for people monitoring their fat intake
* Suitable for vegans
* Supports the digestive system and the feeling of satiety